The Writer's Workshop Review publishes the best in creative nonfiction and fiction from established and emerging writers. We love strong narratives, compelling characters, stories told with style, verve and wit. Send us narrative nonfiction, personal essays, short stories, short shorts, as well as travel, food and wine writing with a strong narrative element. We prefer submissions of 1000 to 2500 words, with the exception of short shorts, and occasionally will consider something longer. We also publish one interview per issue on the art and craft of writing.
We pay $25 per story and $50 per interview. We only accept online submissions. Do not send hard copy.
We run ads on our website to help pay the writers who publish with us. By clicking on the ads you help support these writers and allow us to increase our payments in the future.
For all standard submissions, please send a cover letter in the body of the email (including a bio) and attach the submission itself as a separate file in MS Word format, plain text, or Rich Text. Please note any simultaneous submissions. Send submissions to the appropriate email address as listed below.
Creative nonfiction: send stories, chapters or no more than three short shorts to
Fiction: send one short story, novel chapter or no more than three short shorts to
Interviews: Send one interview, proposal for an interview, or a piece that examines the art and craft of writing to
Please do not submit more than once every six months. We will respond to your manuscript within two months or less. We look forward to reading your stories!